Sunday, January 5, 2014

Guest Room Night Stand

So my husband and I found a nightstand on the curb for trash pick-up the next morning. It was a little unstable, but nothing my hubs couldn't fix. We hauled it into the SUV and decided to make it another furniture project.

Forgot to take a before picture again! <groan>  Imagine a dark cherry hotel-esque nightstand with silver pulls. Nothing redeeming about hotel furniture.

Here are the finished product photos. The hubby did no sanding and relied on Zinser Oil Primer with a couple light coats to cover the ugly old wood. He added a couple light finishing coats with some leftover white latex paint from a previous project (wine bar in Dining room).

A link on Pinterest showed me these gold dipped legs and I had to replicate them! We just used a small $0.99 acrylic paint Classic Gold for the legs and the small pull knob. I bought the lotus drawer pull on Etsy (2 for $4.99). I'm saving the other for another project someday.

 Gorgeous smooth finish and gold accents all for under $10!

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